
Compiling and sequencing albums is one of my natural born talents, it seems – probably because I approach compilations in the same way as I do putting together radio shows, for the flow of listening pleasure as well as an interesting and representative selection.
As well as the now concluded series of over 75 fRoots compilations to date, I’ve done a fair bit of freelance compiling work for other labels including the Rough Guides to Madagascar, The Indian Ocean and English Folk.
Others include Nascente (Roots, Routes and Big Red), Manteca (Nu Europe), Ace (Matchbox Days), Topic (Stepping Up, Hidden English and Eliza Carthy’s 2CD career retrospective Wayward Daughter), and regional surveys of music from Puglia and Flanders for trade expos. I’ve also done the occasional productions for others like the Copper Family for the EFDSS and sometimes get asked to sequence other people’s albums too.
If you ask me nicely and it’s music I like, I could do one for you … Please use the contact page.
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